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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 張振成[朝鮮] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-06 | 責編: 羅天林










        北京外國語(yǔ)大學(xué) / 張振成提供

        在游覽東北三省的時(shí)候,我吃遍了當地的美食,比如小雞燉蘑菇、豬肉燉粉條、鍋包肉、地三鮮、哈爾濱紅腸等,還有其他的地方特色美食,如魚(yú)香肉絲、宮保雞丁、重慶火鍋、毛血旺和臭豆腐等。另外,中國的傳統節日美食也各有特點(diǎn),如端午粽子、中秋月餅和元宵湯圓等。這些美食不僅色、香、味俱全,而且每一種美食都帶著(zhù)自己的故事。就拿月餅來(lái)說(shuō),據說(shuō)在元朝時(shí),當時(shí)的平民百姓實(shí)在忍受不了元朝統治階級的殘酷統治,紛紛與朝廷對抗。朱元璋準備聯(lián)合各路反抗力量發(fā)動(dòng)起義,但朝廷官兵搜查得十分嚴密,信息傳遞十分艱難。這時(shí),朱元璋的軍師劉伯溫想出一條妙計,他命令手下人把寫(xiě)著(zhù)“八月十五夜起義”的紙條藏進(jìn)當時(shí)吃的餅子里,再派人分頭送到各地的起義軍手中。到了起義的那天,各路人馬齊聲響應,打得元軍驚慌失措,節節敗退,起義軍大獲全勝。為了紀念這次勝利的起義,朱元璋下令讓將士們中秋節那天與民同樂(lè ),并制作“月餅”賞賜給臣子們。后來(lái),中秋節吃月餅的習俗就這樣流傳開(kāi)來(lái)。到現在,月餅的做工越來(lái)越精細,品種和口味也越來(lái)越多,滿(mǎn)足了很多人挑剔的味蕾。一個(gè)小小的月餅,都有這么精彩絕倫的故事,這難道不是中國美食文化的魅力嗎?

        除了美食,我還喜歡中國的傳統民謠和傳統服飾。從那些傳統歌曲中,我聽(tīng)到了跨越千年的吟唱與應和;在傳統服飾里,我看到了色彩搭配的和諧,也由此看到了中國人的匠心和靈巧。這些都深深地吸引了當時(shí)年幼的我。所以回國以后,我依然繼續學(xué)習漢語(yǔ)和中國文化,至今都樂(lè )此不疲!


        我們朝鮮有一句俗話(huà)叫“十年江山變”。光陰似箭,時(shí)隔六年,我再次來(lái)到中國,這里與六年前可以說(shuō)是天壤之別。在這短短的六年里,中國已經(jīng)普及了高鐵、網(wǎng)購和手機支付,人們的生活變得非常便捷。這足以看出中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的迅猛程度,衣、食、住、行各方面都充滿(mǎn)了“中國速度”創(chuàng )造的奇跡。

        除了經(jīng)濟發(fā)展讓我贊嘆,中國人民面臨突發(fā)事件的勇氣和團結也讓我由衷欽佩。2020年1月,席卷全球的新冠肺炎疫情給世界造成了非常嚴重的打擊。在這突如其來(lái)的疫情面前,中國共產(chǎn)黨和人民上下一心,在這場(chǎng)沒(méi)有硝煙卻驚心動(dòng)魄的戰爭里,取得了偉大的勝利。疫情期間,我一直關(guān)注著(zhù)相關(guān)消息,目睹了這場(chǎng)感人至深的人民保衛戰,聽(tīng)到了科研陣地的捷報,認識了各行各業(yè)涌現的平凡英雄。在那些或振奮、或感動(dòng)的故事里,我體會(huì )到了中國人民團結一心、眾志成城的偉大力量。今年是中國共產(chǎn)黨成立100周年,我相信擁有這樣偉大的黨和人民的中國,一定會(huì )代代傳承“中國精神”,鵬程萬(wàn)里,蒸蒸日上。

        北京外國語(yǔ)大學(xué) / 張振成提供


        如果人生是“一本書(shū)”,應該多一些精彩的細節;如果人生是一首歌,應該多一些昂揚的旋律;如果人生是一幅畫(huà),應該多一些亮麗的色彩。人生的路漫長(cháng)而多彩,幸運的是,爺爺拉著(zhù)我的手,帶我與中國邂逅,我用自己的雙眼、雙耳、舌尖與心靈逐漸了解和愛(ài)上了中國,中國紅成為我人生路上的別樣色彩。此心安處是吾鄉,在這份愛(ài)的鼓舞之下,我與中國的故事將一直延續,相信那些關(guān)于中國的真、善、美也將永遠流傳和創(chuàng )造下去。

        [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] Jang Jin Song, Beijing Foreign Studies University

        “Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.” — A saying by Dong Qichang, a painter of Ming Dynasty (1368—1644), has always inspired me. In my life, I have read many stories and travelled to many places. However, China, this lovely and beautiful country, is the one which truly attracts me and which I forge an indissoluble bond with. In my early acquaintance with China, I held deep curiosity toward this country; when I got to more about China, I grew more fondness of her; and when I came back to China after years of departing, I got greatly amazed by her fast development. All those experiences with China are lying quietly at the bottom of my heart and encouraging me on my way forward.

        First Acquaintance—Inspired byMy Grandfather and Longing for China

        When did I hear about China for the first time and when did I become fond of China? It all traced back to the summer when I was five.

        In the July when I was five, it was so hot that birds seemed hiding themselves in nowhere. Grasses and trees were hanging their heads low. Cicadas were shrilling loudly among trees. It seemed everything was crying “hot” and so was I. Early in the morning one day, my grandpa, who had retired for several years, put on his glorious military uniforms out of no reason, held my hands and took me to “Sino—Korean Friendship Tower”. “My kid, do you see the tower? You must remember all those people lying beneath this tower are our kinsmen and our brothers. You should never forget them,” he said. I was confused by what my grandpa said and asked him who they were. After returning home, my grandpa told me that under the tower were martyrs of the Chinese People’s Volunteers who had been fighting shoulder by shoulder with North Korean people during our national liberation war. After that, China began to enter my mind. I grew gradually deep interested in China and my story with China started.

        Getting to Know China—Tongue Tip Savoring &Ear Echoing

        Like a colorful shining box that is full of pearls, childhood is the unforgettable memory in one’s life. We became to cherish the memories with time.

        Memory is like a ship, which carries me back to the city Shenyang in Northeast China’s Liaoning province, where I spent my childhood. I learned Chinese and Chinese culture in my primary school and I also travelled across all the three provinces in Northeast China. I became deeply enchanted by the rich and colorful Chinese culture and came to understand more. Chinese food, folklore and costumes were especially amazing to me.

        When travelling across the three northeastern provinces, I tried almost every local delicacy, such as chicken stewed with mushrooms, pork stewed with bean or sweet potato noodles, the sauce and sweet fried pork, local three mixed vegetables and Harbin Red Sausage. I also tried local cuisines from other provinces, such as Yuxiang Shredded Pork (Sautéed in Spicy Garlic Sauce), Kung Pao Chicken, Chongqing Hotpot, Chongqing Style Boiled Duck Blood Curd and fermented bean curd. Traditional Chinese festival food is also very delicious, each with their own unique flavor, such as zongzi (wrapped rice dumpling) for the Dragon Boat Festival, moon cake for the Mid-Autumn Festival and tangyuan (sticky rice dumpling) for the Lantern Festival. The traditional Chinese food is not only pleasing to eyes, noses and tongues, but also pleasing to ears with their own legendary stories. Take the moon cake as an example. In the Yuan Dynasty, the civil people could not bear the cruelty and tyranny of the ruling class and rose up fighting against them. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, decided to unite all forces and start a revolt. However, armies of the emperor were search for them so tightly that message delivery became very hard. Then Liu Bowen, the counsellor of Zhu, came out with a wonderful idea. He asked his fellowmen to wrap a slip of paper written with the message “revolt on August 15” into cakes and send the food to other revolt armies. On August 15 when the planned date arrived, all revolt armies staged revolts and echoed each other. They fought against the Yuan army and defeated them in a full victory. In memory of the revolt, Zhu asked his soldiers to celebrate this day with civil people on August 15 and made moon cakes to reward his fellowmen. After that, the tradition of having moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival was spread. Now moon cakes have become more delicate with great variety in styles and flavors, fully satisfying to the demanding tongues of modern people. Not only moon cakes but all festival food has fascinating stories behind them. This is one of the greatest charms of Chinese food culture.

        Besides food, I also like traditional Chinese folklore and costumes. In the traditional folklore, I hear chanting and echoing across thousands of years. In traditional Chinese costumes, I see the harmony of colors and delicacy of Chinese craftsmen. I was greatly enchanted by the experience and enjoyed learning Chinese and Chinese culture even after I went back to my own country.

        Admiring—Fast Development with Multitudes of Talents

        An old Korean saying says, “The world changes radically every decade.” Time flies! I came back to China six years later after I had returned to my own country. China has undergone quite a change in the past six years. High-speed trains, online shopping and mobile payment has been widely spread in China, which makes daily life very convenient. The economic development of China is so rapid that every aspect of daily life such as clothes, food, accommodation and transportation is filled with miracles created by “Chinese Speed”.

        Besides the amazing economic development, I also admire the courage and solidarity of Chinese people when they are facing emergency. The COVID-19 pandemic hit the world seriously in January 2020. Chinese people in concerted efforts with the CPC have won a great victory in this unexpected breathtaking war against the pandemic. I witnessed this heart-touching fight during the pandemic, heard great breakthrough news from science and research frontiers and got to know a large number of “heroes” who were actually ordinary people from all walks of life. From those inspiring or moving stories of the ordinary people, I realized the great powers of Chinese people with their concerted efforts and indomitable spirits. The year of 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the CPC. I firmly believe that China, with its great party and people, will inherit and carry on its “Chinese Spirit”, and flourish.

        If life is a book, there should be more splendid details; if life is a song, there should be more soaring rhythm; if life is a painting, there should be more pleasant colors. The journey of life is long and colorful. Fortunately, with my grandpa holding my hands, I encountered China. I gradually get to know and be in love with China with my own eyes, ears, tongue and soul. The Chinese red has become the unique color in my life’s journey. Home is where the heart is. Inspired by this love, I will continue my story with China, and I believe the truth, goodness and beauty of China will also be carried on till forever.
