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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 柏泰[比利時(shí)] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-06 | 責編: 羅天林


        [ 比利時(shí) ] 柏泰 東華大學(xué)

        18歲那年,我第一次去北京,那時(shí)我對中國知之甚少。北京之旅讓我愛(ài)上了中國,我被這個(gè)國家的發(fā)展速度和活力吸引了。在北京的幾天,我感覺(jué)中國就像一顆冉冉升起的新星,有無(wú)限的機會(huì )和可能。漢字、中國人民、中華文化和中國的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展都深深吸引著(zhù)我。“為什么不踏上這片土地開(kāi)始我的筑夢(mèng)之路呢?”我問(wèn)自己。于是,20歲那年,我決定來(lái)到中國求學(xué)。

        2011年,我來(lái)到了東華大學(xué)國際貿易專(zhuān)業(yè),班里的老師和學(xué)生來(lái)自世界各地,在與同學(xué)們的朝夕相處中,我極大提升了自己的跨文化交際能力,建立了廣泛的人脈,為今后的工作打下了很好的基礎。在上創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè)和案例整合這兩門(mén)課時(shí),老師點(diǎn)亮了我的創(chuàng )業(yè)思維,并鼓勵我將課程中所做的商業(yè)計劃付諸實(shí)踐。畢業(yè)后,我很快找到了合伙人創(chuàng )立了自己的公司ICL(Integrate Chinese Life,“融入中國生活”公司)。正是在東華大學(xué)留學(xué)期間老師們的專(zhuān)業(yè)教學(xué),讓我獲取了專(zhuān)業(yè)的國際貿易知識,激發(fā)了我的創(chuàng )業(yè)熱情,最終成功運營(yíng)了公司。

        很多人來(lái)之前對中國并不熟悉,未知帶來(lái)的挑戰讓人望而卻步,錯失與中國結緣的機會(huì ),我想幫助年輕、有志向和有中國情結的外國人克服他們在中國遇到的諸多挑戰,于是我和朋友尼可一起開(kāi)辦了ICL公司,為兩國的政府、商業(yè)機構和大學(xué)之間的教育合作提供支持。創(chuàng )業(yè)的這幾年我往返于瑞士和中國,與年輕人一同工作,為年輕人的個(gè)人發(fā)展和職業(yè)發(fā)展創(chuàng )造機會(huì ),同時(shí)還享受著(zhù)旅行的快樂(lè )。工作反而成了生活的調味劑,這樣的生活讓我感覺(jué)非常舒適。這或許就是成為企業(yè)家,擁有自己的公司的最大好處吧。我可以掌控自己想做的事情,有很高的自由度,但我也深知肩上責任重大,每一步選擇都需要充分和反復的考慮。

        上海外灘 / 柏泰提供

        為了讓更多的外國人了解中國,正確地認識中國并走進(jìn)中國,我和同事計劃拍攝一個(gè)視頻短片,向世界介紹中國。我們向瑞士聯(lián)邦政府駐華科技文化中心展示了我們的創(chuàng )意,在被我們的愿景深深打動(dòng)之后,他們不僅在經(jīng)濟上為我們提供了幫助,還邀請法國電影導演羅賓·馬希爾(Robin Mahieux)為我們拍攝。馬希爾先生專(zhuān)程從法國來(lái)到中國,同我們一起走遍了全中國,捕捉最激動(dòng)人心的時(shí)刻,與世界分享中國的美麗。一位法國電子音樂(lè )人在看到成片后被中國韻味深深打動(dòng),為我們做了原創(chuàng )配音。這部花費了5個(gè)月拍成的視頻《印象·中華》,在瑞士洛桑的中國春節慶祝典禮上發(fā)布,短片讓更多的外國人透過(guò)鏡頭感受到了在中國生活的美好,激發(fā)了他們來(lái)到中國、體驗中國文化的興趣。視頻收到了非常好的效果,中國的航空公司購買(mǎi)了這個(gè)短片用作廣告宣傳,讓更多的國際旅人了解了中國。更讓我引以為傲的是,2017年,我獲得了中瑞商業(yè)大獎“企業(yè)杰出成就獎”,并接受了瑞士國家電臺的采訪(fǎng)。目前我正在努力開(kāi)發(fā)國際青年旅行平臺,以進(jìn)一步促進(jìn)未來(lái)事業(yè)的發(fā)展。

        在中國留學(xué)激發(fā)了我的創(chuàng )業(yè)熱情,在中國生活給了我舒適的體驗,也正是中國的廣闊市場(chǎng)讓我的創(chuàng )業(yè)公司有了廣大的發(fā)展空間。作為一名留學(xué)生,也作為一名合作伙伴,我深深地感激中國帶給我的一切,我也將好好發(fā)展我的事業(yè),助力瑞士與中國的友好交流,回報社會(huì )!

        我們的中文課 / 柏泰提供

        Dream of Youth Sets Sail in China

        [Belgium] Bastien Beno?t S. Dumont, Donghua University

        When I was 18, I travelled to Beijing for the first time. I knew little about China at that time. I fell in love with China after the first trip to Beijing and I got deeply attracted by its rapid development and booming vitality. To me, China was a rising star with infinite possibilities and opportunities. Chinese characters, Chinese people, Chinese culture and its economic development all became infinite attraction to me. “Why can’t I go to China and start pursuing my dreams?” I asked myself. Therefore, I came to China for study when I was 20.

        In 2011, I was enrolled in Donghua University and majored in International Trade. My teachers and classmates came from all over the world. I greatly improved my cross-cultural communication capabilities and built extensive social networking, which laid a solid foundation for my later work. I gained a lot especially in two courses, Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Commercial Cases Integration. Teachers of the two courses inspired my entrepreneur dream. They encouraged me to bring my business plans for the courses into real practice. I found partners and started my own business very soon after graduation. I founded my own company, ICL (Integrate Chinese Life). The professional expertise from professors at Donghua University had equipped me with professional international trade knowledge and inspired my entrepreneurship to successfully start my own company and manage it successfully until now.

        Many foreigners do not know much about China before they come. Challenges of unknown future stop their feet onto the land of China. I want to help those young and ambitious foreigners who love China to overcome their challenges in China. Therefore, I started ICL with my friend Nick to provide support for educational cooperation between governments, business organizations and universities in the two countries. I frequently travel between Switzerland and China, working with young people and creating opportunities for the personal and career development of the youth. I enjoy travelling and work has become a pleasure for me. I enjoy my lifestyle. One of the greatest benefits of becoming an entrepreneur and managing my own business is that I can control what I am doing and what I want to do with much freedom. I also know the great responsibility upon my shoulders as an entrepreneur. I always size up situations and make each choice after due and careful assessment.

        To make more foreigners know better about China and come to China, I planned to film a short video with my colleagues, introducing China to the world. We demonstrated our ideas to Swissnex in China. Deeply moved by our visions, they not only provided economic support but also invited French director Robin Mahieux to direct the filming. Mr. Mahieux came from France, travelled across China, captured all exciting moments, and shared the beauty of China with the whole world. A French electronic musician, deeply touched by the Chinese charm in the film, made original dubbing for it. The video,CHINA BEYOND BELIEF, took us five months to complete and was published in the celebration ceremony of Chinese Spring Festival in Lausanne, Switzerland. More foreigners get to know the beauty of living in China through this video and their interests to come to China and experience Chinese culture are inspired. The video has become a hit and a Chinese airline bought this video for advertising so as to make more international tourists know more about China. What made me more proud was that I won the Prize of Entrepreneur Outstanding Achievements for Sino-Swiss Business Awards in 2017 and was interviewed by National Television of Switzerland. Now I am making efforts to develop an international youth tourist platform to promote the development of tourism as my future mission.

        Study in China has ignited my entrepreneur passion and living in China allows me an easy and comfortable life. The huge market of China provides my start-up company with broad development space. As a international student, also as a partner, I hold deep gratitude toward China which has given me everything I need to start my business, and I will develop my career with utmost efforts and facilitate the friendly exchange between China and Switzerland to return all the goodness to the society.
