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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 勒黑波妮[法國] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-06 | 責編: 羅天林


        [ 法國 ] 勒黑波妮 武漢大學(xué)

        踏上這片土地,或許你就會(huì )愛(ài)上她。

        多年前父母偶然的一個(gè)想法,竟使我第一次背井離鄉,從法國踏上了中國這片土地。走進(jìn)中國,你會(huì )發(fā)現這里的一切都充滿(mǎn)著(zhù)一股富有活力的氣息。

        俗話(huà)說(shuō)“百聞不如一見(jiàn)”,只有親眼所見(jiàn),親耳所聽(tīng),親身所觸,才能知其內心。自己在中國十多年的經(jīng)歷,確確實(shí)實(shí)讓我看到了其富有活力的一面。對于中國的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展、科技成果,我看到的不僅僅是報道中的“數據”這么簡(jiǎn)單,更多是一種人類(lèi)最淳樸的品質(zhì),一種團結、自強、求學(xué)、創(chuàng )新的品質(zhì),這種品質(zhì)促成了整個(gè)社會(huì )的發(fā)展。十年前,我曾來(lái)到廣西桂林一個(gè)小村子,那里以井取水,道路狹窄,網(wǎng)絡(luò )不通,人們的生活簡(jiǎn)單質(zhì)樸;十年后再來(lái)看它,家家戶(hù)戶(hù)水泥房,通水通路也通網(wǎng),衣食無(wú)憂(yōu)悠然自在,那是中國人努力過(guò)后的結晶。但在科技被廣泛應用于生活的同時(shí),我依然看到了村莊原有傳統文化習俗的流傳:老農夫閑暇之時(shí)養牛耕田、種菜為樂(lè ),節慶之日傳統美食家家有備,老小齊聚享家庭之樂(lè )的日子依舊常在,這些將原有的傳統生活作息養成了一種帶有韻味的生活習慣,讓我不禁敬慕這種有溫度的生活方式。

        生活中的溫度不只存在于中國家庭文化之中,或許親眼遇見(jiàn)過(guò)“一方有難,八方支援”,才能感知中國社會(huì )所折射出的溫暖。新冠肺炎疫情期間,我選擇留在中國。2019年第一次爆出新冠病毒的新聞時(shí),我在武漢;后來(lái)自己正好在武漢封城之前離開(kāi)。病毒的肆虐,打破了我們原有的生活規律,但值得慶幸的是,中國政府快速實(shí)施的防疫措施,使我內心的恐慌漸漸平靜下來(lái)。從封城到解禁,從口罩的供不應求到自給自足,從未開(kāi)發(fā)疫苗到現在開(kāi)始向群眾普及,這一切都證明了中國政府所做出的努力都是值得的。在這場(chǎng)特殊的戰斗中,我目睹了疫情的發(fā)展,也見(jiàn)證了奇跡的發(fā)生。毛澤東主席在《七律·到韶山》中有一句話(huà)“為有犧牲多壯志,敢教日月?lián)Q新天”,正是因為有了防疫戰士們的壯志和犧牲,才有了今日恢復生機的中國。中國人同時(shí)又具有居安思危的品質(zhì),不得不說(shuō),中國在開(kāi)發(fā)疫苗的領(lǐng)域上不斷為世界做出貢獻,今年7月初,習近平主席同法國總統馬克龍的視頻峰會(huì )中,法方就針對疫苗的開(kāi)發(fā)贊賞了中方為發(fā)展中國家公平獲得疫苗發(fā)揮的重要作用。積土而為山,積水而為海,任何成就都是通過(guò)努力得來(lái)的,現在的我已打上了中國的疫苗,我也相信中國能給世界帶來(lái)更多的希望。

        創(chuàng )新改變世界,科技引領(lǐng)潮流,因為親身體驗了科技帶來(lái)的便利,才讓我相信這種“希望”指日可待。中共十八大以來(lái),網(wǎng)絡(luò )、信息等技術(shù)加速向產(chǎn)業(yè)滲透,共享經(jīng)濟蓬勃發(fā)展,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)以不可阻擋的趨勢融合進(jìn)了各個(gè)領(lǐng)域之中。新興產(chǎn)業(yè)百舸爭流,“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+”與零售、餐飲、醫療、教育等領(lǐng)域相互融合,為人民開(kāi)啟了全新的生活。在中國生活的我,同樣也已離不開(kāi)新技術(shù)的應用:早上坐地鐵,我用軌道交通App;中午吃午飯,我用美食外賣(mài)軟件;準備付錢(qián)了,支付寶助我完成付款;出門(mén)去閑逛,共享單車(chē)成了我移動(dòng)的最佳伙伴。制度優(yōu)勢、發(fā)展優(yōu)勢、機遇優(yōu)勢,讓中國的經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展有了諸多的有利條件,因為科技,我們的生活變得越來(lái)越好。

        武漢大學(xué)春景 / 勒黑波妮提供

        面對復雜變化的世界,習近平主席啟迪我們要“不畏浮云遮望眼”,善于撥云見(jiàn)日認清世界大勢,在這里學(xué)習,我同樣也感受到了中國順應時(shí)代潮流,并希望世界能更加了解真實(shí)的中國。6月21日,中共中央總書(shū)記、國家主席習近平給北京大學(xué)的留學(xué)生們回信,為了學(xué)習回信精神,我參加了學(xué)校舉辦的座談會(huì ),并談了談自己對回信的感想:要想讀懂今天的中國并非易事,只有通過(guò)實(shí)踐才能了解最真實(shí)的中國,并在這個(gè)基礎上講好中國故事,共同見(jiàn)證中國的美好發(fā)展。副校長(cháng)在座談會(huì )中同樣也鼓勵來(lái)華留學(xué)生努力架起中國和世界各國友誼的橋梁,傳播中國文化到世界各地,共同構建人類(lèi)命運共同體。主動(dòng)去了解中國國情和中國共產(chǎn)黨的歷史,對于作為留學(xué)生的我了解中國的過(guò)去、現在和將來(lái)都十分有益,我也希望能憑借自己的一份努力,與世界各國人民攜起手來(lái),推動(dòng)構建人類(lèi)命運共同體。

        武漢大學(xué)秋景 / 勒黑波妮提供

        走進(jìn)中國,是一場(chǎng)冒險。走走停停,接觸新的事物,體驗新的文化,每一步都是對這場(chǎng)旅途最真實(shí)的感悟。走進(jìn)中國,是一種寄托。在我的眼里,中國已做得盡善盡美,但人民依然將自己的使命放眼未來(lái),這種不懈努力使我不禁將自己的希望寄托于此地。走進(jìn)中國,是一種幸福。踏上這片土地,一切都顯得光芒耀眼,中國人民所創(chuàng )造出來(lái)的中國美讓我始終堅信,自己踏上了一段有意義的旅程。

        Into China

        [France] Leret Bonnie, Wuhan University

        You will most probably fall in love with her when you step onto this land, China.

        A spontaneous idea from my parents many years ago enabled me to depart from my home country — France, and step onto this land — China, where I found vigor and vitality was everywhere in the air.

        Seeing is believing. Only with personal experience can we fully understand China. My experience in China for more than 10 years has enabled me to witness its vigor and vitality. The economic development and scientific achievement of China is more than simple data in various reports. It is the product of an authentic quality of human beings, that is, solidarity, self-reliance, continuous improvement and innovation. This authentic quality of human beings brings about social development. A decade ago, I visited a village in the countryside of Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. They drank water from wells, had no internet connection and their transportation was very limited with narrow roads to the village. People there lived quite a simple life. However, after only 10 years, solid cement houses were built, with tap water, highway connection and internet. People there live an easy and happy life now with no worries about food and clothing. The life there has been changed greatly due to people’s hard work. What’s more amazing is that people maintain their traditional customs and culture while applying technologies into daily life. For example, senior farmers enjoy growing vegetables and raising cattle in their leisure time, families prepare traditional food for festivals and people often get together enjoying their family life. They live a life combining traditions with modern ease. I really admire this warm lifestyle.

        The warmth can be seen not only in Chinese family life, but also in Chinese society. Anyone who has witnessed and experienced the mutual help and support of Chinese during the COVID-19 pandemic period will have no doubt over the warmth of Chinese society. I stayed in China during the epidemic period. When the pandemic was first reported in 2019, I was in Wuhan. I happened to have left Wuhan before its lockdown. I did not expect that it soon spread to every corner of the world. The rampant spread of the virus disturbed our routine life. Fortunately, I was not seized by fear because of all the anti-virus efforts of the Chinese government. Since Wuhan entered lockdown, the Chinese government had been doing its utmost to help its people, from the supply of facial masks to the development of anti-virus vaccines. When Wuhan lifted its lockdown, China had sufficient supplies of facial masks and its self-developed vaccines had been put into use among its people, which displayed self-evidently the first priority the Chinese government had put on its people. In this special fight against the virus, I have witnessed the outbreak of the pandemic as well as the miracle the Chinese people had made. Chairman Mao Zedong once wrote, in his Seven-word Poem – To Shaoshan, “Because of all those martyrs who have sacrificed themselves for our lofty mission, I dare say that I can change the world into a new one.” Now as a witness to what the Chinese have done in the fight against the pandemic virus, I fully understand the poem and come to realize that the revitalized China after the virus outbreak was attributed to the lofty mission and sacrifice of Chinese soldiers. Chinese have a quality that enables them to always be prepared for danger even in peace time. China has contributed greatly to the development of anti-virus vaccines in the world. In early July this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping had a video summit with French President Macron, who highly praised the positive role the Chinese government had played in the fair supply of vaccinium to developing countries. A great number of mounds make a mountain; drops of water make an ocean. No pains, no gains. I have been injected with Chinese vaccines and I believe China will bring more hopes to the world.

        Innovation changes the world and technology leads the trend. After witnessing the radical changes science and technology has brought to the world, I now look forward to the hope it may bring us. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, network and information technologies accelerate their penetration into industries, sharing economy is blooming and Internet technologies are penetrating all industries with unstoppable pace. Newly emerging industries are competing and merging with each other. Internet plus is blending with retail, catering, medical and education industries, and a brand new lifestyle is opening before us. In China, new technologies are in every aspect of my daily life. For example, I use a transportation APP when taking subways in the morning; I use a food delivery APP to order lunch at noon; I use Alipay to pay for everything I buy; and shared bikes are my best partner when I hang about in the city. Institutional advantages, development advantages and opportunity advantages facilitate the development of Chinese society and economy. Science and technology makes us live better.

        When facing the ever-changing and complicated world, President Xi told us not to be obscured by floating clouds but be adept at seeing through the clouds. In this way we can see the world clearly and know the correct way to go. Living in China, I witness how China is developing itself at the same pace with the rest of the world and how it expects to be truly understood by the rest of the world. On June 21, President Xi replied a letter to international students in Peking University. I attended the school seminar for this and commented on this letter: It is not easy to understand today’s China. The real China can only be understood through personal experience. Basing on the understanding, we can tell truth about China and witness the beautiful development of China. The vice president of the university encouraged the international students to act as bridges between China and the rest of the world, spread Chinese culture around the world and jointly build the world into a community with a shared future for mankind. He also encouraged us to actively study Chinese history and the history of the CPC, which will be very helpful for us to understand the past, the present and the future of China. I wish I could join hands with others to make a contribution towards building the world into a community with a shared future for mankind.

        Walking into China is like an adventure. I have learned new things and experienced a different culture here. Every step in China is real and enjoyable. Walking into China is a kind of consolation for me. In my eyes, China is making perfect progress every day. However, the Chinese people are still looking beyond into the far future. Their continuous efforts make me believe that walking into China is a real God’s bless. I can't help pinning my hopes on this land. Since I set my feet upon this land, every minute has been shining. The Chinese beauty created by the Chinese people enables me to believe that the journey I am having now is meaningful and valuable.
