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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 杜美嬌[越南] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-07 | 責編: 羅天林


        [ 越南 ] 杜美嬌 廣西華僑學(xué)校

        距離上次在校已經(jīng)兩年過(guò)去了,作為當時(shí)的高一新生,我們送走了兩屆畢業(yè)生,成功升級為“校園老大”。在這兩年的時(shí)間里,我已經(jīng)習慣了網(wǎng)課的生活,只是時(shí)不時(shí)腦海中會(huì )閃過(guò)一幕幕在校時(shí)的場(chǎng)景,每當這個(gè)時(shí)候,我都會(huì )翻開(kāi)日記,重溫美好的回憶。

        2019年11月15日 星期五 晴

        今天是學(xué)校舉辦運動(dòng)會(huì )的日子。經(jīng)過(guò)昨天一場(chǎng)大雨的沖刷,清新的空氣中夾雜著(zhù)青草與泥土的味道,很好聞。參加完開(kāi)幕儀式后的同學(xué)們都在操場(chǎng)上拍照留念,這時(shí)一位國內同學(xué)面帶微笑地走了過(guò)來(lái),毫不吝嗇地稱(chēng)贊我們身上的國服太美了,詢(xún)問(wèn)我們可不可以一起合張影。我當然非常樂(lè )意,我又何嘗不是被她身上的服裝所吸引呢。一身古典優(yōu)雅的漢服,精心編過(guò)的頭發(fā)上系著(zhù)兩條發(fā)帶,隨著(zhù)她的動(dòng)作迎風(fēng)飛舞,可愛(ài)又俏皮。“羅衣何飄飄,輕裾隨風(fēng)還”描述的應該就是這樣的場(chǎng)景吧。這樣的服裝之前都是在電視上看到的,如今出現在眼前真是既新奇又向往。這就是中國傳統文化的魅力所在呀,想當初我也是因此而愛(ài)上中國。“下次運動(dòng)會(huì ),我也要穿漢服。”我默默地想著(zhù)。

        2019年11月25日 星期一 晴轉多云


        廣西華僑學(xué)校文化廣場(chǎng) / 杜美嬌提供

        2020年1月8日 星期三 晴


        2020年1月16日 星期四 小雨



        Sweet Memories in My Diary

        [Vietnam] D? Duyên Dinh, Guangxi Overseas Chinese School

        Two years have passed since the last time we were in school as freshmen. During these two years, we have sent off two classes of graduates and become the “campus boss”. I am now getting used to online classes, but the scenes on campus flash in my mind from time to time. These are the moment when I open my diary and relive the sweet memories.

        Friday, November 15, 2019, Sunny

        Today we had the school game. After a heavy rain yesterday, the fresh air, with mixed fragrances of grass and earth, smelled so nice. When students were taking photos on the playground after the opening ceremony, a local student came over, appreciated us for the beauty of our national costumes and asked if it was possible to take a photo with her. I was very glad to be in the same picture with her of course, as I was also attracted by her costume, the classic and elegant Hanfu (traditional costume of the Han people). Her carefully braided hair was decorated with two long hair ribbons, which fluttered in the wind with her movements, making her look cute and vivacious. This must have been the scene described in the ancient poetic line “her light silk robe is ethereal, with the thin hems drifting with wind”. I had seen this kind of costume on TV and now I saw a real one, which was both novel and appealing to me. This was the fascination of Chinese traditional culture, because of which I had fallen in love with China. “I will wear Hanfu in the next school game,” I thought.

        Monday, November 25, 2019, Sunny to Cloudy

        To finish the competition piece as soon as possible, I continued my work in the classroom after the evening study session, forgetting about the time as I was much engaged. Only two minutes left before the access time to the dormitory when I suddenly realized the time. I packed up rapidly and rushed to the dormitory with the sprinting speed. When I was almost there, from a distance, I saw a black figure taking out trash from the building – the supervisor of dorm, whom we usually called “auntie”. My anxiety eased as I saw “auntie” and I called out: “Auntie, wait for me and don’t close the door please!” My voice was particularly loud in the silent night. I ran to dormitory “auntie” as soon as I finished my words. Seeing me leaning on my knees, panting heavily and being anxious to explain, she smiled gently and said: “Don’t worry, my child. I can still open the door for you if it’s already closed.” She didn’t blame me but let me sit down to take a rest. Looking at the amiable “auntie”, I thought of my mom. I felt the home-like warmth in a foreign country.

        Wednesday, January 8, 2020, Sunny

        Today we moved to new dorms. It was really a nightmare for boarders. Luggage bags piled up all over the courtyard of our dormitory building – we freshmen had a lot of stuff during a few months’ stay here, not to mention the luggage of the upper-year students who had lived for a few years. To speed up, we worked together to move all luggage onto the truck, without differentiating them by owners. There was so much stuff to move that it was already afternoon before we finished. I heard someone calling when I was making arrangement in my new room: “Who is Du Meijiao in Room 303?” I responded subconsciously and I saw one of the local students carrying our luggage that hadn’t been taken upstairs yet. I was really touched to know that they rushed to help us as soon as they finished class. It was true that they treated us with kindness regardless of whether we were foreigners or not. We shook hands with these lovely local students to express our gratefulness. There appeared sincere and bright smile on everyone’s shinning face. At that moment, I felt that studying in China was the most correct choice I had ever made.

        Thursday, January 16, 2020, Light Rain

        I can finally go home! Even the drizzles in the morning could not extinguish the flame (火苗) of my excitement. The outside vehicles were not permitted to enter the campus for safety reasons. After calling for a car, I wrapped myself in the coat and walked to the campus gate, pulling the luggage full of clothes and gifts. The car was supposed to arrive in three minutes but not after five minutes passed. I stood at the gate waiting, shivering in the chilly wind and falling drizzle. Just at that moment, a security guard in the reception looked out and said to me: “Come in and have some hot tea. I will watch for the car for you.” Although I was not quite used to the Nanning-accent mandarin during the few months here, I felt the geniality from his words. Before leaving China, I received warmth again, which was able to dispel the chill of winter.

        It was only half a semester of my study in China, but the experience was memorable. In those few months, I obtained the love from different people in different ways. I felt I was not alone in a foreign country. I am grateful to China, to Guangxi Overseas Chinese School and to all I have met. Thanks to them, my life was made so colorful. I wish a quick end of the pandemic, so that I would be able to come back to China in my last year of high school. I would very much like to return to my school, to feel the love, to cherish the moments and to bid farewell.
