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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 蘇雅[俄羅斯] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-07 | 責編: 羅天林


        [俄羅斯] 蘇雅 西北工業(yè)大學(xué)


        登上山頂欣賞日出一直是我的小小夢(mèng)想,可是我的家鄉并沒(méi)有高山,這讓我很失望和無(wú)奈。但是來(lái)中國之后我聽(tīng)說(shuō)在陜西省就有中國的“五岳”之一——西岳華山,實(shí)現夢(mèng)想的機會(huì )終于到來(lái)了,我下定決心一定要登上華山,在山頂迎接美麗的黎明。





        然而,過(guò)了一會(huì )兒突然下起了小雨,地面變得又濕又滑,我心里出現了放棄的想法,但前面和后面的人群不顧惡劣的天氣繼續往前走,他們的勇敢和堅強給了我繼續登山的力量。當山路的階梯變得又陡又窄的時(shí)候,大家整齊地、不慌不忙地排起隊伍,抓著(zhù)旁邊的鐵鏈慢慢地爬階梯。在這個(gè)過(guò)程中,我看到了讓我感動(dòng)的畫(huà)面,就是爬階梯時(shí)人們都互相拉著(zhù)手,幫助對方安全地爬上去。此時(shí)此刻,我被一群陌生人的團結和力量所感動(dòng)。

        快到山頂的時(shí)候,我一點(diǎn)兒力氣也沒(méi)有了,就找地方休息了一會(huì )兒。然后我聽(tīng)見(jiàn)旁邊的人對朋友說(shuō):“沒(méi)事的,不要害怕,只要爬上去,你就是最棒的!”聽(tīng)見(jiàn)這句話(huà)我意識到每個(gè)人都有感到害怕的時(shí)候,但只要勇敢,就能克服困難。我想,我要是被困難嚇倒的話(huà),就等于自己打敗了自己。我鼓起了勇氣,心里說(shuō)著(zhù):“就這樣,不管有多累,我要勇敢前進(jìn)!”我扶著(zhù)欄桿,慢慢站起來(lái),一步一步終于爬上了山頂!




        Nothing is Difficult as Long as You are Determined to Fight

        [Russia] Saliakaeva Olesia, Northwestern Polytechnical University

        Whenever I got to a strange place, I’d like to take photos as a souvenir and record my new experience. One of my favorite photos is the Mount Huashan, which has great significance to me. In this photo, I stand on the south summit of Mount Huashan with a sweet smile. This journey lasts in my life forever, and I will tell you why.

        It has always been my small dream to climb to the top of a mountain to enjoy the sunrise in my childhood. Meanwhile, there are no big mountains in my hometown, which makes me very disappointed and helpless. However, after coming to China, I heard that there was Mount Huashan, one of the “five famous mountains”, in Shaanxi Province. The chance to realize my dream has finally come. I made up my mind to climb Mount Huashan and meet the beautiful dawn at the top of the peak.

        On the day of the climbing, I went to bed early to ensure the vitality and set out around 6 pm. Since I had to watch the sunrise at the peak, I have to climb the mountain all night, which was an exciting adventure. Arriving at the foot of the mountain, I looked up, the white clouds floating in the mountains between the lush green cypress and pine trees, which is really a beautiful scenery! I immediately began climbing with great confidence. But after a short while, I began to pant. Maybe it’s because I hadn’t been practicing mountain climbing for a long time, but whether I had the strength or not, I decided to continue my climbing upward in order to watch the beautiful sunrise.

        When I climbed the mountain, it was always accompanied by a feeling of exploration, because Mount Huashan was really dangerous. Sometimes when the clouds floated over, I could not see the end of the road; sometimes I thought it was nearing the hilltop, and then I found the mountain road hiddenbehind the boulders, which made me feel novel and exciting. Although most of the mountain roads are steep, all of the mountains have street lights and chains beside the road, which look very safe and strong.

        As night falls in the mountains, a magical picture of the sky appears, and hundreds of millions of stars look like shining diamonds on the dark blue sky, as the whole universe opened the door to us. At that moment, I was fascinated by the scenery and almost forgot the time. At that moment, I wanted to always stand under the sky, breathe the fresh air and touch the mysteries of the world.

        However, a sudden drizzle made the stone floor becoming wet and slippery. I had the idea of giving up, but the crowd before andafter me went ahead despite of the bad weather, and their bravery and strength encouraged me to continue climbing. As the steps of the mountain road became steeper and narrower, everyone lined up nearly and unhurriedly, grasping the chains on both sides and slowly moving forward. During the process, I saw a moving scene that people were holding each other’s hands while climbing the ladder safely. At this moment, I was moved by the unity and strength of a group of strangers.

        When I nearly reached the top of the mountain, I hardly had any strength. So I found a place to rest for a while. Then I heard the people next to me say to the friend: “Relax, don’t be afraid, as long as you climb up, you are the best!” Hearing this, I realized that everyone has a time to feel fragile, but only you are brave enough, you can overcome all the difficulties. If I was frightened by the difficulties, I would have defeated myself. I summoned up the courage and told myself: “In this way, no matter how tired, I want to move forward bravely!” I held the handrail, slowly stood up and finally climbed to the top of the mountain!

        While waiting for sunrise in the dark, I first saw a bright red dot in the clouds, and slowly the sky brightened, then seeing the plants and white boulders in the mountains. As the sun gets brighter, the most beautiful picture of sunrise appears! At the moment of sunrise, the clouds in the sky and the scenery on the mountain have changed dramatically with the strengthening of the light. Nature seems to have become a great painter, constantly changing the color, tone and texture, and every second presents us a magnificent oil painting. Then I finally understand why everyone has to see the dawn at least once in their life, because only in this way can you realize how wonderful the birth of a new day is! At this moment the difficulty, fatigue and fear of climbing were forgotten. I think, without all the way of sweat I cannot see such beautiful and legendary Mount Huashan, and my efforts are worth it.

        The experience of climbing Mount Huashan tells me a truth: “Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are determined to conquer it.” There may be beauty on the top and at the foot of the mountain, but the process of climbing can make your heart grow and become stronger. I believe that as long as you have the perseverance, you can climb to the summit of the “l(fā)ife”.
