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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 范青嫻[越南] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-07 | 責編: 羅天林


        [越南] 范青嫻 浙江科技學(xué)院

        我是一名來(lái)自越南的小姑娘,有朝氣、有活力、敢闖敢拼,這是朋友樂(lè )于贈予我的代名詞。我喜歡探索,更愛(ài)發(fā)掘身邊潛藏的美好。不知從哪一年起,中華文化仿佛隔夜春雨,悄然溜進(jìn)了我的世界,或許是始于第一次閱讀漢語(yǔ)書(shū)籍,或許是某個(gè)午后愛(ài)上的一部中國武打電影。自此,我便向往來(lái)到中國,好奇與憧憬濃墨了我來(lái)華留學(xué)的夢(mèng)想。

        2019年夏天,乘著(zhù)機翼,凌于藍天,跨越地域的界線(xiàn),懷著(zhù)對中華文化以及漢語(yǔ)的熱忱,我來(lái)到了中國,榮幸地成為浙江科技學(xué)院的一名學(xué)生。原以為大學(xué)四年都會(huì )生活在杭城,但得知第一年在安吉校區后,我的心中不免忐忑。這是一個(gè)我不曾了解過(guò)的城市,沒(méi)有高樓聳立,沒(méi)有車(chē)水馬龍,是一個(gè)安逸寧靜的城鎮。在安吉學(xué)習的半年,我漸漸地發(fā)現了它潛藏的美,也不由感嘆,安吉果真是一個(gè)“綠水青山就是金山銀山”的模范實(shí)踐地。

        金秋時(shí)節,飯后沿著(zhù)小鎮街道漫步,映入眼簾的是整齊排列的房屋和綠植,整潔寧靜的村莊在山水的環(huán)抱下顯得格外嬌小可愛(ài)。路面開(kāi)闊有規劃,獨具特色的綠色公交與自然山水融合,更有秀美的田園風(fēng)光配上鳥(niǎo)鳴和溪流共奏的潺潺樂(lè )曲,令人不禁拋卻當下的繁雜和壓力。這是這座城市給我的第一印象。這里不僅風(fēng)光秀麗,房屋設計也別出心裁,利用白墻與彩繪,枯燥單一的墻面畫(huà)上了色彩飽滿(mǎn)的藝術(shù)畫(huà)作,突出了當地的地域特色和鄉土氣息,其裝修風(fēng)格、外觀(guān)、色彩皆是現代與傳統的碰撞,為活力鄉村增添了無(wú)窮魅力。在藍天白云之下,沒(méi)有繁華城市的喧鬧,有的是悠閑自在的慢節奏生活:在老年活動(dòng)中心,老人們或以棋會(huì )友、或品茶聽(tīng)曲,婆嬸們也時(shí)而圍坐搓幾局麻將,而頑皮的孩子們在社區的小公園里追逐嬉鬧……鄉村的安逸和純凈從未被現代化所沖擊,迅猛的城市發(fā)展也并未抹去它的初心和人情味。

        浙江科技學(xué)院 / 范青嫻提供


        浙江科技學(xué)院 / 范青嫻提供

        在這青瓦白墻、綠樹(shù)掩映下的生態(tài)文明新農村,人們安居樂(lè )業(yè),享受平淡之美。之后的臺州、嘉興之行,穿梭在山水小鎮,體驗鄉土人文,同樣使我深入地品味了浙江鄉村的獨特之美。浙江的鄉村,不僅有山水如畫(huà)的生態(tài)美景,還有難得一品的特色美食。在因地制宜打造眾多旅游景區的同時(shí),也帶動(dòng)不少如民宿等相關(guān)產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展。公共設施的普及和服務(wù)智能化的提升增添了不少鄉村文化的特色。在越南我也踏足過(guò)許多特色鄉村,村莊保持著(zhù)特有的風(fēng)韻,讓人流連忘返。而來(lái)到浙江之后,我才真正體驗到強大的鄉村振興和建設的力量。中國鄉村建設,尤其是浙江鄉村振興和美麗鄉村建設,將現代的發(fā)展和傳統的風(fēng)情融合為一,使農村又重回聚光燈之下。

        Savor Clear Waters and Green Mountains in China’s Countryside

        [Vietnam] Ph?m Th? Thanh Nhàn, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology

        Energetic, vigorous and daring to fight – these are the phrases that my friends depict me. As a girl from Vietnam, I like exploring new things and prefer discovering the beautiful things around me. I cannot remember since when Chinese culture “sneaked” into my life like the spring drizzle sneaks into the night. Perhaps it started when I first read a Chinese book, or maybe it was a Chinese martial arts movie I watched one afternoon. Since then, I have been longing to come to China and my curiosity and the longing have made my aspiration of studying in China stronger and stronger.

        In the summer of 2019, I arrived in China as a freshman in Zhejiang University of Science & Technology with my passion on Chinese culture and language. In the beginning I thought that I would spend my four-year college life in Hangzhou, so I felt uneasy when I learned that I would spend my freshman year in the campus in Anji as this place is totally new to me. Without tall buildings nor busy traffic Anji is a peaceful and serene city. After living here for six months, I gradually found its charm, and I can say that Anji is really a role model in practicing the slogan of “Clear waters and green mountains are equal to mountains of silver and gold.”

        Strolling along the streets in Anji in Autumn, you will see the neatly lined houses and green plants, and the serene and clean town is especially delicate and lovely surrounded by mountains and rivers. Wide and well-planned road, combination of unique green bus and natural scenery, and the beautiful pastoral landscape accompanied by the gurgling music of birds and streams, all these beautiful scenes will unload the burdens in your mind. This is also my first impression on this city. Not only is the scenery here beautiful, but the houses are also designed ingeniously. The plain white walls are decorated with colorful artistic paintings, highlighting Anji’s local features and the rural atmosphere. The decoration styles, appearances and colors include both Western modernism and traditional Chinese elements, adding infinite charm to the vibrant town. Under the blue sky and white clouds of Anji, there is no hustle and bustle of big cities, but people here are enjoying their leisure and slow-paced lifestyle, where aged people playing chess, sipping a cup of tea, listening to operas or playing mahjong and naughty children playing in the small parks in the community. The leisure and purity of country life has never been impacted by modern life, and the rapidly developed city didn’t erase people’s original aspiration and human touch in Anji.

        Anji used to be a small county with backward economy supported by agriculture and traditional manufacturing, without participating in the trend of modernization. In August 2005, when the then Party Secretary of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee Xi Jinping visited Yucun village of Anji, he proposed the slogan of “Clear waters and green mountains are equal to mountains of silver and gold.” With the aim to build a “China’s beautiful countryside,” Anji has taken the lead to achieve the goal, and has become a role model of China’s countryside construction. Because of its good governance and adherence to green ecology, Anji has become China’s first county that won the UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor Award.

        Surrounded by lush trees, people live and work in peace and contentment in such a new countryside with blue tiles and white walls while enjoying the tranquil beauty. My trips to Taizhou and Jiaxing allowed me cruise through the towns surrourded by mountains and rivers, experience local cultures and enjoy the unique beautiful scenery in the countryside of Zhejiang. Villages in Zhejiang not only have picturesque natural landscape, but also have delicacies that rare to taste. When many tourist attractions are built based on local conditions, downstream business such as homestays are also boosting. The popularization of public facilities and the upgrade of smart services are adding more color to the countryside culture. I also travelled to many special villages in Vietnam, and they are well preserved, making people linger. Only after coming to Zhejiang, I really experienced the power of rural revitalization and construction. China’s countryside construction, especially the revitalization and construction of rural villages in Zhejiang, has combined modern development and traditional customs, bringing the countryside back to the spotlight.
