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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 福來(lái)[泰國] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-07 | 責編: 羅天林


        [泰國] 福來(lái) 廣西大學(xué)


        我非常地喜歡看排球比賽,尤其是中國女排。我相信,只要是喜歡排球的人都會(huì )喜歡中國女排。因為她們不怕困難,敢于拼搏。當她們克服了種種困難,在2016年里約奧運會(huì )上奪得了金牌的時(shí)候,我第一次從新聞報道中知道了“中國精神”這個(gè)詞。

        2020年初中國的武漢遭遇了新冠肺炎疫情,不少人感染了病毒,更糟糕的是那個(gè)時(shí)候臨近中國的春節,交通的客流量很大,非常容易造成病毒在中國各地的蔓延。面對這種緊急的情況,中國政府果斷下令武漢封城,要求每個(gè)地方都要認真排查檢測,在第一時(shí)間最大限度地阻斷疫情的傳播。中國民眾也非常信任自己的政府,他們待在家里,不與其他人接觸。這樣的情況在很多國家是做不到的。在美國,許多民眾以“自由”為口號,疫情期間公然聚會(huì ),導致疫情擴散得非常快。而在中國,一些有能力的人去做志愿者,無(wú)怨無(wú)悔地為別人服務(wù)。我雖然不在中國,但是我從老師、同學(xué)的交流中,知道了許多感人的故事,尤其是中國醫護人員舍己為人的奉獻精神,讓我肅然起敬。他們都是普通人,可正是這些普通人的無(wú)私奉獻才讓中國很快打贏(yíng)了這場(chǎng)沒(méi)有硝煙的戰爭。



        中國非常有大國風(fēng)范。中國并沒(méi)有只顧及自己國內的疫情,也向周邊的國家伸出了援手。在中國國內疫情得到控制以后,中國快速派出醫療隊奔赴其他國家給予幫助。這些做法,贏(yíng)得了其他國家人民的稱(chēng)贊,得到了國際社會(huì )的一致好評。這種博愛(ài)何嘗不是中國精神的表現呢?

        廣西大學(xué) / 福來(lái)提供

        我認為,中國精神體現在方方面面。愛(ài)國是中國精神,互幫互助是中國精神,百折不撓是中國精神,兢兢業(yè)業(yè)也是中國精神。這些中國精神,貫穿于中國民眾生活的方方面面、點(diǎn)點(diǎn)滴滴中。中國女排不服輸,面對困難不低頭,勇于拼搏是中國精神;面對新冠肺炎疫情,中國民眾萬(wàn)眾一心,眾志成城,齊心抗疫,是中國精神;中國人民不怕困難,勇于開(kāi)拓創(chuàng )新,積極在各行各業(yè)取得新的發(fā)展,是中國精神;中國普通百姓安居樂(lè )業(yè),勤奮工作,尊老愛(ài)幼,更是中國精神。

        廣西大學(xué) / 福來(lái)提供

        作為一名來(lái)華留學(xué)生,我覺(jué)得中國的變化非常大。這些變化是中國的傳統文化精神驅動(dòng)著(zhù)中國民眾不斷地努力、不斷地拼搏創(chuàng )新所取得的成績(jì)。我喜歡中國!我要為中國精神點(diǎn)贊!我相信,中國一定會(huì )越來(lái)越強大!

        Give the Thumbs-up to Chinese Spirit

        [Thailand] Tunchanok Detprasit, Guangxi University

        During the years I studied in China, what touched me the most is the Chinese spirit.

        I really like watching volleyball games, and I especially like the Chinese women’s volleyball team. I believe that anyone who likes the sport likes the Chinese women’s volleyball team, because they dare to fight and are not afraid of difficulties. When they overcame all the difficulties and won the gold medal in the Rio Olympics in 2016, I learned the word “Chinese spirit” for the first time from the news reports.

        In early 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic broke out in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province, and many people were infected. What’s even more groovy is that the time was near the Chinese Spring Festival, during which the traffic was so heavy that it would very easily cause the spread of the virus throughout China. Faced with this urgent situation, the Chinese government decisively ordered Wuhan to be locked down, requiring every place to be carefully investigated and tested to stop the spread of the epidemic to the maximum extent possible at the first time. Chinese people also trusted their government so much that they stayed at home and didn’t meet others. Such situation is not possible in many other countries. In the U.S., many people used “freedom” as a slogan and met openly during the epidemic, causing the virus to spread very quickly. However, in China, some capable people volunteered and served others without complaint. Though not in China, I learned many touching stories from my teachers and classmates. The dedication of Chinese medical personnel who sacrificed their lives for others especially called forth in me a feeling of respect. They were all ordinary people, and it is the selfless dedication of these ordinary people that has led China to win this smokeless war quickly.

        While blocking the spread of the epidemic, the Chinese government has accelerated the development of the COVID-19 vaccine. China developed the vaccine quickly and the vaccine is very safe. After it was successfully developed, the Chinese government made another important decision to give the vaccine to its people for free.

        The Chinese government has displayed its graciousness as a big country. China didn’t just focus on its domestic epidemic, but also reached out to neighboring countries. After the epidemic was under control, China quickly sent medical teams to other countries to help. These practices have won the praise of the people of other countries and have been well received by the whole international community. How is this fraternity not a manifestation of the Chinese spirit?

        I believe that the Chinese spirit is embodied in all aspects. Patriotism is the Chinese spirit. Mutual assistance is the Chinese spirit. Indomitability is the Chinese spirit. And conscientiousness is also the Chinese spirit. These Chinese spirits are found in every aspect and every bit of Chinese people’s lives. That the Chinese women’s volleyball team does not give in to defeat, does not bow down to difficulties, and fight courageously is the Chinese spirit. That in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, Chinese people are united in their determination to fight the epidemic is the Chinese spirit. That Chinese people are not afraid of difficulties, are brave to pioneer and innovate, and are actively making new developments in all walks of life is the Chinese spirit. And that the ordinary Chinese people live a peaceful life, work hard, respect the elderly and love the young is nothing else but the Chinese spirit.

        As an international student in China, I feel that China has changed a lot. These changes are the result of the traditional Chinese cultural spirit driving the Chinese people to work harder and innovate constantly. I love China! I want to applaud the Chinese spirit! I believe that China will become stronger and stronger!
