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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 陶藍希[越南] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-10 | 責編: 羅天林


        [越南] 陶藍希 哈爾濱工程大學(xué)




        哈爾濱工程大學(xué) / 陶藍希提供


        哈爾濱工程大學(xué) / 陶藍希提供

        慢慢去了解中國的方方面面,你會(huì )發(fā)現還有更多有趣的事情。中國不僅有過(guò)目難忘的風(fēng)景,還有熱情好客的人民。去年,我有幸獲得了國際中文教師獎學(xué)金,獲得了在哈爾濱工程大學(xué)學(xué)習一年的機會(huì )。雖然因為疫情,我不能走進(jìn)這個(gè)向往很久的國家,但是學(xué)校里的老師卻用網(wǎng)絡(luò )帶著(zhù)我們走進(jìn)了中國。不論是學(xué)校春季的杏花,還是哈爾濱別具風(fēng)情的中央大街,還有秋日的片片紅葉,冬天五光十色的冰燈……老師們用網(wǎng)絡(luò )作紐帶,拉著(zhù)我的手,教我感受這一片神奇的土地。我們雖未曾謀面,但是我能感覺(jué)到老師們的熱情、勤奮和嚴謹。我雖然從未踏足這片土地,但是我能感覺(jué)到她的生動(dòng)和美麗。就是在網(wǎng)絡(luò )的這一頭,我感覺(jué)到了夢(mèng)境中出現的美味,還有曾經(jīng)在心里想象過(guò)很多次的宏偉建筑。我對中國的印象越來(lái)越深刻,越來(lái)越具體。中國已經(jīng)變成了一個(gè)熟悉的名字,刻在了我的心里,吸引著(zhù)我努力地去追尋它的蹤跡。

        哈爾濱工程大學(xué) / 陶藍希提供


        Engrave Your Name in My Heart — China

        [Vietnam] Dào Th? Ng?n, Harbin Engineering University

        Different people have different impression on China. For me, China is a country with long history. It has magnificent Great Wall, splendid Palace Museum and Tiananmen Square. It also has beautiful Dali city and poetic ancient town of Fenghuang. In my dreams, China is the spicy hot-pot, crispy and delicious roasted duck, and al dente Chongqing noodles. Thousands of scenes make up a country with enjoyable smell, taste and sights. Today I will bring you to China alive in my memories.

        I am sure you have heard the two old Chinese sayings: “Just as there is paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on Earth;” “East or West, Guilin scenery is the best.” The two sayings are praising Suzhou, Hangzhou and Guilin for their beautiful scenery like paradise. Every season in China brings us different scenery and enjoyment. In spring there is soft breeze, in summer fresh rain, in autumn blue sky and in winter cold and white snow.

        China also has diversified culture customs with inclusive, long and extensive historical heritages, covering diversified traditional ideologies and thoughts. China has many traditional festivals, such as the Lantern Festival, Qingming Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. Among all these festivals the most important and magnificent one is the Spring Festival when people get together with their families, have delicious meals together and chat after a year of busy work and study. In the Spring Festival people can always enjoy their family life.

        I started to know more about Chinese flowers after browsing on the internet. I know that peonies have a special position in the history of Chinese culture. Peonies are large flowers, symbolizing richness and magnificence. Their strong adaptability is like the characters of Chinese people. No matter what kind of environment they are in, they can develop themselves well. A famous Chinese poem praises Peonies: “Who is the master of the youth in spring? Peonies always take the lead among all blossoms!” Peonies are grand, glamorous but not vulgar. They have a manner and attitude like a great nation.

        Slowly I get to know more about China and I find more fun. China has unforgettable scenery and hospitable people. Last year I was so lucky that I won a scholarship for International Teachers of Chinese which granted me a chance to study for one year at Ha’erbin Engineering University. Due to the pandemic, I could not walk with my own feet into this country which I had admired for so long. However, teachers of the university still managed to bring us into China through internet. We saw the apricot flowers of the university in spring, the charming Central Avenue of Ha’erbin, red leaves in the autumn and colorful ice lamps in winter, as if we were seeing this magical land in real person. Though we did not step our feet onto this land and did not meet each other face to face, our teachers, with their passion, hard-working and preciseness, were using the internet to lead us feel its vitality and beauty. On the other end of the internet, I seemed to have tried the delicious food in my dreams and have seen the magnificent buildings which I had imagined many times. My image of China became more and more specific and clear. China has become a familiar name to me, engraved in my heart, attracting me to pursue more of its charm.

        Looking back upon the past year, I’ve gained a lot. However, there were also unfulfilled wishes. I wish I could come to China in person one day after the end of the pandemic to pursue my study and to experience the beauty and charm of China. Pursue my dream, leave my love and start another brand-new life in China.
