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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 伊琳娜[俄羅斯] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-10 | 責編: 羅天林


        [俄羅斯] 伊琳娜 首都體育學(xué)院






        業(yè)余愛(ài)好。通過(guò)在中國的學(xué)習,我對武術(shù)、書(shū)法、中國菜和中國音樂(lè )產(chǎn)生了興趣。


        熱情好客。當人們對你微笑時(shí);當人們邀請你共進(jìn)午餐和晚餐時(shí);當即使彼此不認識,人們也會(huì )向你問(wèn)好時(shí)。


        傳統文化。中國有著(zhù)古老的歷史文化,這可以從中國的建筑、音樂(lè )、美食中看出,特別是對父母的尊敬和對長(cháng)輩的尊重。


        多虧了中醫,我學(xué)會(huì )了愛(ài)我的身體,觀(guān)察它,傾聽(tīng)它,關(guān)注它。我找到了適合我并幫助我與自己和諧相處的生活方式和食物。

        多虧了中國哲學(xué),我學(xué)會(huì )了感受大自然的力量。通過(guò)了解中國文化,我學(xué)到了真正的感恩。我學(xué)會(huì )了記住人們帶給我的所有好處并給予他們更多。多虧了中國人的智慧,我學(xué)會(huì )了享受我所擁有的,并得到更多。

        感謝中國人,我學(xué)會(huì )了真正愛(ài)自己——看到我的外在和內在的美麗,相信自己的力量,前進(jìn)不是為了目標,而是出于對自己的愛(ài)。感謝中國,讓我明白了自強不息的精髓,這條路無(wú)限美好。

        首都體育學(xué)院 / 伊琳娜提供

        I Love China

        [Russia] Zaikovskaia Irina, Capital University of Physical Education And Sports

        After having lived in China for three years, I have learned a lot, which has completely changed my view of the world and my attitude towards myself.

        I love China so much (for multiple reasons):

        Safety. You can leave your bag in the cafe and find it intact in the same place when you return; you can take a taxi even late at night without fear.

        Technology. You can buy anything you want on the Internet and get it in a few days; You pay using a QR code without having to carry a bank card and cash with you.

        Lifestyle. You can go out with a scroll, a facial mask and pajamas; you can sleep in a cafe or dance in the park.

        Hobby. Through my studies in China, I became interested in martial arts, calligraphy, Chinese cuisine and Chinese music.

        Opportunities. You study hard to obtain a good scholarship; You can spend very little money to travel around the country.

        Hospitality. People always smile at you; they would like to invite you to lunch and dinner; and they say hello even if they don’t know you.

        Serve the people. I Like countless parks, alleys, benches, street lamps; I like flat roads, each with blind stones,for the convenience of blind people, people in a wheelchair or mothers pushing strollers can easily go around anywhere.

        Traditional culture. China has an ancient history and culture, which can be seen from the Chinese architecture, music and food, especially the respect for their parents and their elders.

        Thanks to Chinese language, I found a new world, new thinking, developed patience and complete self-control, and felt the peace of mind.

        Thanks to Traditional Chinese Medicine, I have learned to love my body, observe it, listen to it, and follow it. I found the lifestyle and food that fit me and helped me live in harmony with myself.

        Thanks to Chinese philosophy, I have learned to feel the power of nature. By understanding Chinese culture, I have learned real gratitude. I learned to remember all the benefits that people bring to me and return them more. Thanks to the wisdom of the Chinese people, I have learned to enjoy what I have and to get more.

        I am obliged to show my gratitude to the Chinese people, I learned to really love myself — to see my external and inner beauty, believe in my own strength, move forward not for the goal, but out of love for myself. Thank you China, you let me understand the essence of unremitting self-improvement. This road is infinitely beautiful.
