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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 王蔚昱[馬來(lái)西亞] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-10 | 責編: 羅天林





        這是個(gè)另類(lèi)的大學(xué)生活,我從未想過(guò)我與中國的邂逅會(huì )是在云端上。感受著(zhù)這亦近亦遠的距離,實(shí)在是心癢癢,好想立馬飛過(guò)去實(shí)際感受中國的風(fēng)土人情。

        大一的學(xué)習生涯就此拉開(kāi)序幕。云上的學(xué)習之旅就此展開(kāi),我與中國的“會(huì )面”也就這樣開(kāi)始了。我每日都會(huì )在智云課堂上與老師、同學(xué)“碰面”,但不太公平的一點(diǎn)是我清楚記得老師們的面孔,老師們卻連見(jiàn)過(guò)我一眼的印象都沒(méi)有,這就是云上學(xué)習的不足之處。所幸,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的普及讓我能與老師、同學(xué)有交流的機會(huì ),通過(guò)“學(xué)在浙大”上交課業(yè)、下載課件也是很方便,“學(xué)在浙大”就像是一個(gè)小管家,管理我課程中的許多煩瑣事務(wù)。雖然云上課端無(wú)阻我的學(xué)習之路,但總讓我感覺(jué)少了地道味兒。我相信若能在中國線(xiàn)下必定會(huì )有更深入的體會(huì )!

        在學(xué)習的過(guò)程中我發(fā)現中國其實(shí)有許多非常方便的小軟件或網(wǎng)站,在學(xué)習中幫助非常大。例如為知筆記、問(wèn)卷星、鳩摩等讓我在學(xué)習時(shí)能節省不少力氣,學(xué)校的網(wǎng)站更是豐富,還有我終于有機會(huì )使用仰慕已久的剪輯軟件及設計軟件。浙大更提供了許多數據庫資源,想學(xué)什么,應有盡有!中國網(wǎng)絡(luò )之發(fā)達真是我以前未曾發(fā)現的。在與中國同學(xué)的溝通及交流中我發(fā)現大家對于課業(yè)都有自己的一種執著(zhù)的精神,認真之余更是要求盡善盡美。我非常佩服他們在學(xué)術(shù)上的鉆研,課堂中老師分享的優(yōu)秀同學(xué)的作業(yè)總是能開(kāi)拓我的視角,打破我自己的局限,如清晨的微風(fēng)總能吹散朦朧的迷霧。


        云上學(xué)習與老師、同學(xué)的交流有一定的障礙,但還是無(wú)法阻礙我的學(xué)習之路。線(xiàn)下的同學(xué)多數是中國同學(xué),也有一些留學(xué)生。在組隊時(shí)我通常都是找線(xiàn)上的同學(xué)組隊,通過(guò)與其他留學(xué)生的交流,我發(fā)覺(jué)大家都有自己留華的故事。在老師分組時(shí),我也會(huì )被分配到與線(xiàn)下的同學(xué)組隊,借著(zhù)如今發(fā)達的互聯(lián)網(wǎng),我們通過(guò)微信等軟件就能合作完成作業(yè)。在與他們的聊天中發(fā)覺(jué)其實(shí)大家都很友好,而且中國流行的一些網(wǎng)絡(luò )用詞或本土的用詞特別有趣,是我在我的國家沒(méi)有試過(guò)的另類(lèi)溝通方法。

        中國的經(jīng)濟如今欣欣向榮,機會(huì )數不勝數,各種參與實(shí)習機會(huì )更是不計其數,如浙江的義烏更是小商品的天堂,今年暑假義烏還舉辦了免費活動(dòng),讓學(xué)生有機會(huì )了解其市場(chǎng)的運作等,只可惜我目前仍身在境外。中國的志愿活動(dòng)也特別多,時(shí)常在微信朋友圈看到分享的志愿招聘鏈接,我更報名了2022年即將重磅來(lái)襲的亞運會(huì )志愿者!

        中國真的名副其實(shí)的地大物博,它的蓬勃發(fā)展讓我嘆為觀(guān)止,改革開(kāi)放短短四十多年的時(shí)間,其成長(cháng)速度如乘倍速,如今更是成為無(wú)數學(xué)子向往的學(xué)習圣地,也是我所向往。中國的各種資源仍等待我們去開(kāi)發(fā)利用,其廣袤的市場(chǎng)更是值得國外投資者開(kāi)發(fā)與合作。特別是中國的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)市場(chǎng)是一塊新鮮的饃饃,我相信仍有許多機會(huì )待我們去發(fā)掘。新媒體的內卷只是暫時(shí)的,創(chuàng )新的力量與資源勢必會(huì )讓其繼續向陽(yáng)生長(cháng)!我相信待得我國與中國雙方邊境開(kāi)放就是我能夠真真切切擁抱中國的時(shí)候!

        校訓 / 浙江大學(xué)提供

        My “Cloud Meeting” with China

        [Malaysia] Ong Wei Yee, Zhejiang University

        After graduated from high school in 2019, I received the admission letter from Zhejiang University with my dreamy expectations for China. I felt very excited because I had never left my country before. As I was longing for my university life, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic had resulted in a year-long online study.

        Totally different from a brick and mortar college life, I never realized that my campus life in China could be on cloud. It’s weird that the distance between me and China is both near and far. With such a feeling, I can’t wait to fly to China to experience local customs and practices.

        My life as a freshman just kicked off with my online study began, and my “cloud meeting” with China also started. I would “meet” with my teachers and classmates everyday via Zhiyun App, an online learning software of Zhejiang University. However, it’s unfair that I clearly remember the face of my teachers, while the teachers don’t even have an impression on me, which is a shortcoming of online learning. Fortunately, the popularization of the internet allows me to have the opportunity to communicate with my teachers and classmates, and to submit schoolwork and download materials via “Learning in ZJU,” an online studying platform of Zhejiang University. “Learning in ZJU” is like a little butler who manages miscellaneous affairs during my study. Although learning online never impedes my study, it always makes feel less authentic than studying in China. I believe that if I could really be in China to study, it could be a totally different experience.

        During my study, I found that China has many apps and websites that are convenient and helpful in study, such as WizNote, wix.cn and Jiumo Search, saving me a lot of efforts in doing my schoolwork. There are more online tools in ZJU’s website, and I finally got the chance to use all the editing and design apps I’ve been long admiring for. Besides, ZJU provides us various databases and resources so that you can find everything you want to learn. Internet technology in China is really something I haven’t even imagined before. In the communication with my Chinese classmates, I found that everyone is perseverance in their schoolwork, because they are not only hold a serious attitude, but also pursue perfection. I admire their academic spirit, and the excellent schoolwork shared by the teacher in the class always open a new horizon for me, break the boundary of my knowledge, allow me to see different aspects, like the morning breeze blowing away misty fog.

        There are certain obstacles to communicate with teachers and classmates during online classes, but it still can’t hinder my learning passion. In the offline class, besides several international students, most of my classmates are Chinese. When there’s an online group assignment, I always find my teammates online. During the talking, I found that everyone has his or her own unique stories in China. Sometimes, I could be assigned to an offline group. With the advanced internet technology, we are able to complete the assignment via Apps such as WeChat. Those chitchats after school makes me feel that everyone is very friendly, and some internet catchwords and local phrases in China are very funny that I’ve never tried in my home country.

        China is enjoying a vigorous economy nowadays with plenty of work and internship opportunities. For example, Yiwu of Zhejiang Province is a paradise of small commodities, and a free activity held last summer vacation in Yiwu showed international students how the market operates. But it is a pity that I am still abroad. There are also many volunteer activities in China, and I often see recruitment links shared in WeChat Moments. I even signed up to be a volunteer in the 2022 Asian Games, which will be held in Hangzhou.

        With a vast territory and abundant resources, China really amazes me with its vigorous development. Just 40 years after the reform and opening-up, economic development in China has seen a fast growth, and it has become a holy place for learning for students around the world. The abundant resources in China also wait for us to uncover and utilize, and its vast market is also worthy of exploitation and cooperation of overseas investors, especially China’s internet market. I believe there are still many opportunities waiting for us to uncover, and the involution nowadays is just temporary because the power and resources of innovations will make the industry develop again. I believe that the time China and Malaysia opening borders will be the time for me to truly embrace China.
