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        來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng) | 作者: 陳麗艷?[緬甸] | 時(shí)間: 2022-01-10 | 責編: 羅天林


        [緬甸] 陳麗艷 中國政法大學(xué)

        10月1日是中國的國慶節,每年的這一天都會(huì )舉辦盛大的慶祝活動(dòng)。2019年10月1日,慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年大會(huì )在北京天安門(mén)廣場(chǎng)隆重舉行。在大會(huì )和閱兵式之后,大約有10萬(wàn)人參加了國慶群眾游行活動(dòng),沿長(cháng)安街由東向西通過(guò)天安門(mén)核心區。作為一名外國留學(xué)生,我從來(lái)沒(méi)想過(guò)自己能有機會(huì )身臨其境,作為首都外籍人士游行方陣的一員,參與到隆重的“同心共筑中國夢(mèng)”國慶群眾游行活動(dòng)中來(lái)。現在想起來(lái)這段寶貴的經(jīng)歷仍然歷歷在目。


        9月21日是首次也是唯一一次走上長(cháng)安街的實(shí)地彩排。我們下午2點(diǎn)從昌平出發(fā),在對外經(jīng)濟貿易大學(xué)與其他成員集合,然后到達指定等待地點(diǎn)。在彩排開(kāi)始前,大家坐在路邊養精蓄銳。國慶游行隊伍由36個(gè)方陣組成,我們所在的“人類(lèi)命運共同體”方陣是第32方陣,一共有1935人,包括來(lái)自96個(gè)國家的300名外籍人士,是唯一一個(gè)有外籍人士參加的方陣。大家來(lái)自五湖四海,既有學(xué)生,也有已經(jīng)工作的人士。大家自帶的“國際范兒”讓彼此很快就熟絡(luò )起來(lái),愉快地分享起在京學(xué)習工作生活的經(jīng)歷和參加國慶游行活動(dòng)的感受。

        訓練和彩排中間還有個(gè)有趣的事兒,我們方陣的一位中國朋友一開(kāi)始不知道我會(huì )說(shuō)漢語(yǔ),于是他很辛苦地用英語(yǔ)來(lái)跟我交流,還有訓練時(shí)的訓練員一開(kāi)始也是怕我不懂漢語(yǔ),也用英語(yǔ)給我解釋。我還記得當我用非常流利的漢語(yǔ)回答他們的時(shí)候,他們表現出來(lái)的意外和贊賞。秀了一把漢語(yǔ)讓我有點(diǎn)小小的得意,這么多年的漢語(yǔ)總算沒(méi)有白學(xué)啊。我也交到了32方陣里的一個(gè)中國朋友。與他談?wù)搰鴳c游行時(shí),我看到他眼中閃爍著(zhù)難以抑制的興奮和激動(dòng)。之前聽(tīng)說(shuō)中國人民為了順利舉辦這次重要的慶祝活動(dòng),從一年前就開(kāi)始準備了,我現在覺(jué)得一點(diǎn)兒也不夸張,因為我看到了他們的齊心與協(xié)力,看到了他們的投入和付出。通過(guò)近兩個(gè)月來(lái)的所見(jiàn)所聞,我深深地感受到了中國民眾對國慶慶典的熱情和期待,以及對祖國的熱愛(ài)和自豪。

        晚上10點(diǎn)國慶游行彩排正式開(kāi)始。歌聲,彩車(chē),人潮,口號。雖然已是深夜,我們仿佛是歡樂(lè )的海洋里的浪花,沿著(zhù)長(cháng)安街一路前行。

        盼望已久的10月1日終于到了!“人類(lèi)命運共同體”方陣的成員已整裝待發(fā)!在歡天鑼鼓聲中,我們方陣里的中外青年并肩走過(guò)長(cháng)安街。在經(jīng)過(guò)天安門(mén)廣場(chǎng)時(shí),一曲婉轉悠揚的《千年之約》響起,我們面朝天安門(mén)的方向,用力地揮舞著(zhù)手中的花束,歡呼著(zhù),雀躍著(zhù)。“中國!中國!生日快樂(lè )!”那一刻,我只想再大點(diǎn)聲,再大點(diǎn)聲地喊出心中的激動(dòng)。在天安門(mén)城樓上,我遠遠地看到習近平主席和很多中國國家領(lǐng)導人,他們也在向我們揮手致意。天空中翱翔的飛機梯隊,地面上涌動(dòng)的花海人流,洋溢在天地間的歡樂(lè )氣氛,這一幕定格成了我對國慶游行活動(dòng)最真切的記憶。

        中國政法大學(xué)端升樓 / 陳麗艷提供


        中國政法大學(xué)憲法大道 / 陳麗艷提供

        那天晚上,夜深人靜,我想起了出發(fā)來(lái)中國留學(xué)的前一天夜晚。我翻來(lái)覆去睡不著(zhù),心一直撲通撲通地跳著(zhù),盡管很向往北京,但第一次離開(kāi)父母,離開(kāi)朋友,去一個(gè)陌生的地方,有種說(shuō)不清的忐忑。為了平靜心情,我打開(kāi)喜馬拉雅電臺。夜越來(lái)越深,廣播的聲音也越來(lái)越清楚,這時(shí)主持人介紹了一首叫《藍色北京夢(mèng)》的歌。一聽(tīng)到北京,我就打起了精神仔細地聽(tīng)。這首歌表達了“北漂族”有點(diǎn)迷茫的感受。我是不是也即將成為一個(gè)“北漂”?歌詞里唱著(zhù)“夢(mèng)是什么顏色,也會(huì )忘記嗎?”主持人問(wèn):“在北京的霓虹燈中可以看到夢(mèng)的顏色嗎?”我不知道夢(mèng)有沒(méi)有顏色,我也不知道夢(mèng)是什么顏色,但我知道我的夢(mèng)就是要去北京。我能踏上北京的土地,我能看到北京的繁華,我想去游覽北京的名勝古跡,還想去聽(tīng)相聲看京劇,我想去了解這個(gè)歷史悠久的國家。這就是我的夢(mèng),只能在中國實(shí)現的一個(gè)夢(mèng)。這個(gè)夢(mèng)現在已經(jīng)實(shí)現了。我突然覺(jué)得白天國慶游行的經(jīng)歷讓我找到了新的夢(mèng)。今天來(lái)自世界各地的人們簇擁著(zhù)承載了美好愿望的“人類(lèi)命運共同體”彩車(chē)并肩前行,明天我們也可以在世界各地繼續傳遞我們的美好愿望,為了實(shí)現新夢(mèng)想而努力。

        Memories of National Day

        [Myanmar] Hnin Si Khaing, China University of Political Science and Law

        October 1 is the National Day of China. Grand celebration activities are held on this day every year. On October 1, 2019, the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China was grandly held in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Around 100,000 people participated in the civil parade after the celebration and military parade ceremony, walking along Chang’an Avenue from east to west, passing through the core area of Tiananmen Square. As a international student, I had never thought of being on the spot and participating in the event. However, I got this precious opportunity and participated in the grand civil parade as a member of  foreigner parade team. The parade was called “Build Chinese Dream with Concerted Hearts.” Now recalling what was happening that day, I still felt excited as if everything was alive before me again.

        I was the first to apply for the enrollment in June 2019 when my university published the national day parade notification. I longed for walking across Tiananmen Square on this special day and seeing the Chinese president with my own eyes. Altogether 19 overseas students from China University of Political Science and Law was chosen to participate in the national day parade. We started our tight-scheduled training and rehearsal from end of August and our last rehearsal was arranged in Grand Canal Forest Park in Tongzhou District on September 13. Our university was located in Changping district, which were more than 70 kilometers away from the park. We headed for the park early in the morning. When we arrived at the park, we saw hundreds of Chinese and overseas students from several universities in Beijing. I came across several friends from Myanmar who studied in other universities. What a pleasure to meet friends from the home country in foreign countries!

        On September 21 we had our first and only real onsite rehearsal on Chang’an Avenue. At 2:00 am, we started from our university in Changping district, got together with students from other universities in the University of International Business and Economics and headed for Chang’an Avenue. Before rehearsal we sat on roadside and took a break. There were altogether 36 square teams in national day parade. The square team we were in was the 32rd, called “Community of Shared Future”. There were altogether 1,935 people in this team, including 300 foreigners from 96 countries. This square team was the only team which had foreigners. We came from all over the world, including students and non-students. Because we were all “internationals”, we became familiar with each other very soon. We shared our experience in work and study in Beijing with joy and exchanged our views on this national day parade.

        There were lots of funny stories in the training and rehearsal. For example, a Chinese friend in our team did not know that I could speak Chinese and he tried very hard to speak English with me. Our trainers also tried hard to explain everything to me in English. When I replied them in Chinese, they were astonished with great appreciation. I gloated over my performance of speaking Chinese. It was finally worthy of all these years of efforts in learning. I became a friend of this Chinese team member. When I talked about the national day parade with him, I could tell from his glistering eyes how excited he was. I heard that preparations were started a year ago for this very important and grand event. It was not exaggerating at all if you were in the event in real person. I saw their concerted efforts, their dedication and passion. Through what I heard and saw in almost two months, I was deeply touched by the enthusiasm and expectations of Chinese people toward this grand event as well as their deep love and pride in their country.

        At 10:00 pm that night, the final national day parade rehearsal started. Singing, floats, crowds and slogans were in the air. Walking along Chang’an Avenue, we were like waves in happy oceans though it was late in the night.

        The national day, October 1, which we had long been looking forward to, finally came! All members of our square team “Community of Shared Future” were ready to go. In the rapture noise of gongs and drums, our team, both Chinese and foreigners, walked shoulder by shoulder across Chang’an Avenue. When we were passing Tiananmen Square, a melodious rhythmA-thousand-year Commitment rang in the air. Facing Tiananmen, we waved bundles of flowers in our hands, hailed, and jumped for joy. We shouted “China! China! Happy Birthday!” At that moment, I wish I could be much louder so that my excitement could be known by the whole world. I saw from a distance that General Secretary Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders were standing on the Tiananmen Rostrum and were waving toward us. Airplanes were flying in the sky, flowers and crowds were surging on the land. There were joy and excitement everywhere. This was my vivid memories about the national day parade.

        I published a post immediately after the parade, posting some onsite pictures which I took for the celebration. Lots of people gave me a “l(fā)ike” under my post. We returned to school in the afternoon. Though feeling tired, I was very happy and excited. I believe this was my most memorable day in China. I was so lucky and honored that I could participate in the celebration ceremony. I witnessed the 70th anniversary of PRC with thousands of people and saw in my own eyes how much Chinese people love their country on the largest city square – Tiananmen Square.

        Late that night I recalled the night before I returned to my home. I could not sleep and my heart went boom. Though I had been longing for studying in Beijing, I still felt restless and anxious since it was my first time to leave my parents and friends and to go to an unfamiliar city. To calm down myself, I turned on a radio App Himalaya and listened to some channels. Then a host introduced a song calledBlue Beijing Dream. On hearing the word, Beijing, I sat up and listened attentively. This song sang about the confused and lost feelings of people working or studying in Beijing (they were called Beijing Drifters). Would I soon become a Beijing Drifter? Would I also forget what color my dream was as sung in the song? The host asked whether people could see the color of dreams in the neon lights of Beijing. I did not know if dreams had colors or what colors dreams were. However, I knew definitely that my dream was to go to Beijing. I wanted to set my feet on the land of Beijing, to see the prosperity of Beijing, to visit historical sceneries and spots of Beijing, to listen to Chinese crosstalk and to watch Peking Opera. I wanted to know this nation with long history. This was my dream, which could be realized only in China. And now it came true. I suddenly realized that the experience of national day parade enabled me a new dream. That day people from all over the world were carrying shoulder by shoulder the float “Community of Shared Future”, which was truly a beautiful shared vision of humankind, and tomorrow we will be passing our beautiful vision to all corners of the world and striving for achieving this new dream.
